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Monday, May 22, 2017

Another 1...

This article reports Australian contracting HIV while on PrEP.    This is the 4th case officially mentioned.  Which, shouldn't suggest it's only the 4th such incident.  Even of those reported, Gilead & other agencies are attempting to discredit.  The health agencies are so sure this PrEP is a silver bullet, they'll go after anyone or anything not absolutely praising Truvada or the like.   It's easy to see Gilead's motivations.

I'm not saying PrEP can't help.  But it won't replace HIV education & condom use.  It is a serious medicine coming with a high price tag, blood tests, doctor visits, considerable side effects & yes, even stigma for using it.  This is not a pancea for HIV.  It definitely won't help prevent other STD's or pregnancy.

How many more times will this drug have to fail, before people question it?


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