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Monday, May 8, 2017

May Flea Suckage...

The rain & the warmth have brought a surge in the flea population.  They hadn't been that bad until now.  Even now, they're not horrible, but they're ramping up.  

The problem is every way I have of dealing with fleas is problematic right now.   Topicals make my cats really sick.  Washes involves a fight with a cat that doesn't want to get wet.  The sprays nearly choke me to death.  Vacuuming is tiring for me at the best of times.  Right now, it may be beyond what I can do.

It saddens to think of living in a house with no cats in it.  But, the idea of not having to deal with fleas is welcome. Trade-offs, I guess.  A big problem for us, is all the outdoor vermin & the people with pets who don't treat their pets or yards.  

Still sort of reeling from the flea spray.  I'll post more tomorrow.


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