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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kind of Glad To See You Go....

May, I'd love to say it's been fun, but that'd be a lie.  This month has been just about anything but pleasant.  I'm glad you're checking out until next year,   

To be honest, there are only 20 days until the start of Summer.    Spring can check out for the year as well.   So far, 2017 has sort of sucked.  Nothing's been that great & a lot of things have just sucked.  Too many things have been more of a problem than they should've been.  Spring didn't bring the rain it should've & we're probably looking at another Summer drought & a season of fire hazards.

2017, you've brought me a failed Winter & Spring.  I've lost 2 cats.  I'm dealing with a lot of change with my dentist office & mailbox center.  I've had several months of republicans screaming hateful , stupid crap.  All while they're praising that spiteful, orange idiot in the White House.

So yes, May get a move on, Spring get on out of here as well & 2017, if you can't do any better, then   head out right long with May & Spring.


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