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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Another Tuesday In May...

Another day in May.  It's supposed to rain a lot today.  It was supposed to do the same thing for the last 2 nights & it didn't.  It just made things fairly muggy.  

There isn't much going on today.  The land of articles is bare again.  All I saw was repeat articles about CRISPR, stigma & Charlie Sheen,   Covered those topics a lot already.  

It's a nice day so far.  Maybe it'll hold out.  We could use the rain, we've been dry.  We're about 4" shy for the month & over a foot low for the year so far.  That usually means a hellish Summer is on it's way.   Maybe at least the grass with die off this year & take the blasted bugs with it.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.  It's just a routine check in.   I hate having to go so often.

That's it for today.  Take care.


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