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Thursday, May 18, 2017

2017 Is Sucking...

2016 was horrible for a host of reasons.  But, 2017, seems determined to be worse.  Besides getting an oompa loompa for president & all the insanity that came with that, the crap has continued to pour.

My household has been sick  most of the year.   In February we lost our cat Rhiannon.  Then in March I was hospitalized.  Every day, I've read or heard about some fresh, new hell the Republicans want to bring down on us.  Then yesterday, our cat, Rowan, passed unexpectedly. 

We're down to Tinkerbell, who isn't the most social or friendly of cats.  She mostly sleeps on my bed.  I have 2 anchors left in this world.  My roomie & a Siamese cat.  That's it. 

I told my roomie last night, that if something happens to Tinkerbell & she's out, it will  the 1st time I've been home alone in forever.  I've had cats & roommates since the early 90's.  Before, I lived in the dorms surrounded by people.  I'm not sure how or if I can deal with that.  I'm just not.

We're not halfway through 2017 & it seriously sucks.  

Sorry, I didn't have anything more positive to write.


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