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Monday, May 1, 2017

Long Haul...

Back in 2000, when I was diagnosed, they gave me an estimate of 5 years, at most 10.  That was it.  The way I felt then, I thought they were being far too generous.  But, I was wrong.  17 years later & I'm still here.  So Yippie.

That was sarcasm.  That's been 17 hard years of living on nothing & then finally disability. It's been exhausting & sometimes scary as hell.  I'm grateful for what I have, but it's not enough to live solo if I had to.  It just isn't.  Each year with this disease, things creep up on me faster than people without it.  
They won't call it ARC (AIDS Related Complex or Complication) these days.  That term is out of vogue.  Hell, they don't even like using the word AIDS, it might scare the youngins.  But, my doctor repeatedly said my compromised immunity was part of the reason I landed in the hospital this last time.  It wasn't the only reason, but it sure didn't help any.

This article is about long term survivors of AIDS/HIV.  I'm not going to talk much about it.  It isn't lengthy or too deep.  It's just an interview, but it lets you gt a look at the life of the long term survivor.  It isn't pretty.   BTW,  I'm not considered 1 of these people,  These people came from way back.  I'm the next group out.  Still feeling it though.


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