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Friday, May 19, 2017

A Wet Friday In May...

We had a bit of  severe weather last night.  It didn't impact us too much, but it has the power blipping.  This will be early & short.    We're  expecting more of the same this afternoon.  I'm not sure how bad it'll get, but at least I"ll have my post up.   Such as it is.

Tinkerbell, the sole survivor, is being a bit odd.  She's not eating much.  I can't tell if it's the weather getting warmer or if she's reacting to Rowan's passing.  The storms haven't helped much.  I'm sure she spent most of the night under my bed.  She hates thunder.

Life goes on.  At times, that can really suck.  It makes things fade.  I grew up moving a lot, I was in a different school almost every semester for quite a while.  We'd occasionally move back to where we started for a bit, but everyone knew we'd be on our way again soon.  It made life very transitory.  Things fade out of my life very quickly.  I guess it was a coping mechanism.  There's a lot of people I don't even remember from where we lived.  On some things, I can be very out of sight, out of mind.  Sometimes, I hate that.

For now the sky is clear.  I'll enjoy it while I can.  I need to go out for a it later.


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