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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Thursday Of May...

We have pretty much zip planned for today.  The weird weather has left us a little tired & allergy ridden.  The weather is warming up for a couple of days.  But, it is almost Summer.

This last week has been weird & difficult on my roomie, myself & I think even Tinkerbell.  It's oddly quiet in the house.  There aren't any impromptu messes to clean up.  In a way, it's nice, in another, it sucks.

I know  Summer actually doesn't start until June, but it's basically here now.  School's out & children are roaming.  No more teachers' dirty looks & all that.   It's strange, that May is wrapping up already.  2017 has been an exhausting marathon of awfulness so far.

That's all for now.


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