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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Yard Visitors...

Over the last few days, the yard's been fairy populated.  We have our various assortment of chirping birds & their constant drama.  The squirrels are still running amok through them..  The bunny is making return visits.  The neighbor dogs bark at them, but they get no response. They're all fun to watch, but they're all also covered in flea.  I wish they'd leave their fleas in some one else's yard.  I'm having enough bug issues already.

The porch has had some action as well.  A speckled brown kitty, I don't know it's a he or she.  It's too twitchy & really fluffy.  Every time I try to determine sex, I get a dirty look & a hiss.   Kitty is horribly offended at my forwardness.  We, awfully, called it Meth kitty due to it's tweaker nature.

A juvenile bird was on the porch screeching.  It could almost fly.  I think it was in the process of learning.  It either tried too soon, fell out or got pushed out of the nest.  It's parents hovered for a while.  I put some old bread & water out for it.  Soon, it fluttered off the porch into the yard towards some bushes.  I hope it made it.

I had to settle some issues with my dental insurance.  It seems to be handled, just a processing error.  I called my dentist to let them know.

That's my life animal, yard & insurance drama.  Yay!


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