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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Just Noticing...

We had another round of rough weather last night.  That's supposed to be it for a while.  I hope so.  Rain is fine, but severe storms can just pass us by, thank you very much.

I started noticing yesterday just how much of my day was devoted to cats.  How so much of how I do or don't do things is based on cats no longer with us.  I kept myself busy yesterday.  I didn't want to focus on the house being so quiet.  The older cats were always clumsy & could fall walking across the room.  They also hurled a lot.  They raced through the house with their claws out.   They talked. They made a lot of noise.  

Now, it's quiet, disturbingly so.  I woke up a few times last night.  I caught myself listening for cat noises that weren't there.   No cat jumping onto things she wasn't supposed or falling off the window sill.  Tinkerbell is staying close by, I think this is freaking her out.  She likes cats better than people & now she's solo.

I washed & put up Rowan's food bowl this morning.  There's just 1 on the floor now.  Litter & food will last forever with us just dealing with 1 instead 3 or more.  I keep trying to look for the good things, but honestly, this just sucks.

Maybe there'll be articles to post about tomorrow,  I'll try to move on from this cat topic.  Take care.


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