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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Nearly Normal & Raging On...

There are a lot of articles touting reports, mostly British, that for people newly diagnosed with HIV, their lifespans are nearly normal.   Great, well except, should we mention?   They may have close to the same quantity of life, but it's doubtful they'll have the quality.   

They will spend the rest of their lives dealing with medications, doctors, blood tests, stigma & other social/personal  drama.   Also, this is primarily accurate for white, middle-class men.  Those people who can get & maintain treatment.  It doesn't mention the hassle of dealing with meds & appointments.  It doesn't deal with the expenses.

Yes, they may live nearly as long, but only if there's a way to pay for it. Only if they can endure the virus, the process & all the baggage that comes with being +. That's a lot of provisions.

*     *      *

The war against the fleas is raging on.   This morning was a repeat of yesterday.  Spray, dist, vacuum. Then cough my head off due to the chemicals.   We left flea traps out last night & caught nearly 60.  The vacuuming caught a lot,  They now reside in a plastic bag waiting to die,  This is the worse time of the year for fleas.  It's warm & wet.  I hate fleas.


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