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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Wet & Cold...

It's still raining & it's still cold.  Not unseasonably, but still unpleasant when combined with all this rain.   It looks like we'll close in on a foot of rain this month if it doesn't stop now.  As it is, we're at or just over 11".   

November is closing out & the new month is upon us.  The last of 2015 is hurdling towards us.  So far, so good.  We've had some upsets, usually with doctors, but nothing overly expensive or earth shattering. 

I keep watching squirrels & sparrows trying to avoid rain drops as they rummage among the fallen leaves.  It's not going well for them.  Not sure how there is to eat out there right now.  Hopefully enough.

As for me, I'm staying inside as much as I can.  I have no use for this weather.  I'm definitely not interested in getting a cold or worse from this wet stuff.  So, in I stay.

Stay dry & safe,


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