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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Limit Med Access...

According to this article, Texas & over 30 other states restrict the HIV medications available via the insurance exchanges available to their residents.  They simply don't want HIV + people using their plans.   Texas only allows 10 of the currently available medications via their exchanges.  It doesn't matter what regimen your doctor has you on.

Amazingly, somehow, Oklahoma is 1 of 5 states that doesn't restrict HIV medications via their exchanges.  Oklahoma hasn't expanded it's medicaid, nor has it made any assistance or incentives available for it's insurance plans.  At least it doesn't limit the drug availability.  You just probably won't be able to afford them.

This is why I'm on disability.  If my medications & medical went through an insurance company, I couldn't afford any of it.  Then again, that's probably the idea.  Let the poor people die off, so we don't have to deal with them any more.

It would seem the Affordable Care Act is not all it was made out to be.


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