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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Continued Issues, Plumbers & Tulsa...

The issue with the heating stove continues.  The plumbers couldn't get it to work, so we had to make a trip to Home Depot over in  Fort Smith for a new heater.  I hope this thing works.  Because of this, I now have credit with Home Depot & owe them over $200.  That's doesn't count what I have to pay the plumbers for their time.  Only thing I have nice to say about the old, stupid heater; is that it had the decency to die before Winter got ramped up.

The plumbers should be here soon & I have to get around. Afterwards, we have to head to Tulsa for my appointment with my HIV specialist.  This was supposed to be a quiet week leading up to this.  It didn't work out that way.  I really needed to just to be zoned out before I psyched myself up for another appointment with them.  ` That didn't happen. 

I still have to get food & cleaned up a bit. So, I better get.  I hope things go smoothly today,


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