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Friday, November 6, 2015

Another Brief Post...

We have to go shopping & then we're going to see The Peanuts Movie.   So. this will be brief.  Yesterday was very annoying with no internet at all.  It took me quite a while to get caught up with my online stuff again. 

I've been reading a bit about Seasonal Disorders.  It seems they aren't limited to affecting our moods as the light levels change.  There are seasonal disorders concerning many aspects of a person's health.  I wasn't surprised when I read about Seasonal Digestive Disorder/Distress.  Many people have  a myriad of gastrointestinal issues during the big seasonal shifts between the light & dark or hot & cold parts of the year.  

This makes a lot of sense.  My entire body acts differently during these 2 times of the year.  I don't even really feel like the same person or that I'm living in the same skin.  My allergies, digestion, sinuses, blood pressure all act remarkably different throughout the year.   This is probably affecting everyone to some extent.  It definitely gets to me.


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