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Tuesday, November 17, 2015


 Charlie Sheen announced he is HIV +.  I would like to send him best wishes regarding his health & decision to come forward.   But, I won't.   Mr. Sheen only came forward with this extremely personal announcement  under duress. 

I'm not going to debate any of his behaviors, real or alleged.  That is not the point.  This man was railroaded into revealing his HIV status.   That's just wrong.

He was being manipulated & blackmailed.  Anyone that pushed this forward in this manner had their own agendas.  If they were so concerned with the welfare of others, these people could have gone to the health department or other authorities.  But, what these people who caused all this fanfare concerning Mr. Sheen's health really wanted, was their 15 minutes in the spotlight.  These are not heroes or good citizens.  They were conniving, vain glorious leeches.  

What Charlie Sheen may have done, does not preclude his right to privacy concerning his health.  I wish him well.  As for those people who forced this to come out in this manner, I hope they choke on it.


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