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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Skittering Leaves...

The sounds outside my window are changing.  I'm hearing less birds chirping & more house creaking as things chill down.  The nearby trains are much louder on cold tracks & with fewer leaves to buffer the noise.  It's just another sign of Winter approaching.

The sound I like most is the skittering.  The little sound leaves make as they race down the street.  I love watching them as the wind whips them along or how they sometimes dance up into the air in little dust devils.  

I always think it's a waste how some people rake up all the leaves & have them hauled away.  Burn & put the ash over your garden.  Rake them into rows & run them down with the lawn mower.  Decaying leaves are great food for your yard.   They make great compose & mulch.  I guess it's not pretty enough.

Tonight is supposed to be our 1st night under freezing.   We're supposed to be in the mid 20's F.  Glad we got the heater working.   Wherever you are stay comfortable, safe & have a good weekend.


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