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Sunday, November 1, 2015


November is here.  This week will be filled with 1st of the month stuff.  It can be a bit hectic, but once it's done, we're in the clear for a month.  

I'm very thankful for the 1st day post Daylight Saving Time.  That extra hour really does have an impact on my sleep.  More light in the morning made it far easier to wake up & get around.  

My glasses are ordered.  I use Zenni Optical.  They're very affordable for us & I don't have to worry about breaking an expensive pair of glasses I couldn't afford to replace.   Only downside being their slow processing & delivery.   But, at these prices I can be patient.  My roomie will be up next.

I had a good experience with this optometrist.   I didn't with the last guy, he was beyond brusque.  I'm surprised at my age, I didn't need bifocals/progressives.  My prescription had only slightly changed & the doctor doesn't think I'll need bifocals any time soon.  Yeah for me.

So, hello November, let's try to have a good month.


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