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Thursday, November 26, 2015


The holiday is here & the season is now in full swing.  There'll be no resting until January.  Enjoy...

Everyone is posting about things they're thankful for today.  I try to do that throughout the year.  That includes the red birds I see in the Winter & the 1st little blue flowers of Spring.  These things make me smile & get me through the moments.

Today I am grateful for all those people who are working today.   Those working jobs so everyone else can keep going as normal.  Those who have to work to make sure emergencies can be handled.  Those who work because they can't afford not to.

What I'm not grateful for are all those sanctimonious people & their commercials praising themselves for being so great because they aren't working the holiday & won't have their stores open on the day. This is just a cheap shot at false piousness.  It's an easy jab.  Funny how these people are usually only talking about retail.  

This is a very special thanks to: cashiers, stockers, emergency workers, waitstaff, utility workers, trash collectors, gas station attendants & everyone else working this holiday.  

Happy Thanksgiving...


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