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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Trash Day...

Another Wednesday, another trip to the curb.  We've gotten most of our early bills dealt with, the other will be handled soon.  Then this part of the month will over again.

I got my flu shot yesterday while we out.  We've gotten a lot warmer today.  My head isn't happy about that.  I'm feeling a little out of it.  That could be the weather or the vaccination.  Hopefully, it'll pass soon, it's not playing well with my digestive system.

There are a lot of  articles out there right now talking about the return of chemsex & how it's  a threat to the fight against HIV.   The return?  Did chemsex ever really leave?   I'm not surprised.  Recent numbers are showing a higher death rate in middle-aged, white Americans.  The leading causes are drugs & suicide.   There's just too much crap out there to deal with & little hope of getting passed it.  So they partied hard or just ended it. With the way the economy has been for years, I'm surprised it took this long to happen.

Try to stay safe & if you can't, try not to take anyone else with you.


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