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Thursday, November 12, 2015

More Errands & Shopping...

Not much going on this morning.  We went grocery shopping & did some errand running.  I mostly finished buying things for Thanksgiving dinner.   Now, I just have to cook it. That'll happen the day before. That way everything gets to rest, including us.

The weather is going up & down again.  It was almost 80 here yesterday & then it did a serious drop.  We won't be nearly as warm today, but the cold air seriously dried us out.  We'll have humidity levels down into the mid 20's today.  That's no fun.

I should have most the winterizing done this week or the next.  I need to get the AC's covered.  Most of the fans have been stowed away for the season.  Soon, the bigger blankets & afghans will come out for the Winter.  I need to clean out the stoves soon.   I hope we don't have to light them too early this year.   Last year we had them on pretty early into November.  I'd love to get into December without them.  That probably won't happen.

Winter is coming.  That bring a different set of health issues for me.  Chilblains, colds & dry skin are heading my way.   Oh yeah.  Hopefully,  I far better this year.

Stay warm.


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