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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bi-Monthly Meds...

Johnson & Johnson has developed a new combo-drug, injectable medication for HIV.  According to the article, it can be given at 2 month intervals.   If this is brought to the public, it could have a huge impact.  Especially with adherence.

When I started my meds, I took over 2 dozen pills a day.   A few of those were supplements, but most were HIV meds.  I took 18 just counting the Fortovase & they were huge.  

These intervals, would also mean the person would see the doctor at least that often.  That may be a huge improvement for some people.  Much of treatment is observation & this would allow more opportunity.

Hopefully, this will be coming soon. If it does & I can tolerate it, that would mean no more fighting with a speciality pharmacy.  That'd be great.  We'll just have to wait & see,


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