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Monday, November 23, 2015

Personal Responsibility & Charlie Sheen...

OK, I'll go back to the Charlie topic once more.  I've said all I have to about him.   Yes, he should've bee more open with his partners about his status.   That's his issue & he could face serious consequences for not being upfront on the matter.

BUT!!!!  This is Charlie Sheen people.  Did you really think he wasn't carrying some type of communicable disease?  Seriously, the man's life was a train wreck for years.  How could anyone possibly believe someone who lived that lifestyle could come out unscathed?  Everything about his life was a high risk behavior.

Anyone who had sex or shared fluids with Charlie Sheen is equally responsible for their own well being.   Unless they were forced or tricked, they have to own up to being responsible for their involvement with Sheen.  They endangered their own health.  They decided to do these things with Sheen.  It seems that a lot of the people going after Sheen have a lot of high risk behaviors of their own, like drug use or being in the porn industry.

This really feels like a desperate grab at 15 minutes of fame, publicity or $,


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