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Sunday, April 6, 2014


OK, I overdid Friday.  Which sucks, because I didn't do that much in comparison to a healthy person.  I dealt with numerous loads of washing, mostly Winter blankets.  I drove to Fort Smith & back.  I cooked a little.   Still, come Saturday I paid for it.

What I did wasn't much, but it was out of the ordinary for me.  There were lots of repetitive motions.  There was a lot of dust & dander on those blankets.  The weather did a nose dive & things got cold again.   I'm still dealing with the stress of benefit renewal & doctor issues.  Add to that, for at least a little while yesterday we were under a water biol warning in our area.  Too bad I didn't find out about that until after I'd drank a liter or water, a lot of tea & brushed my teeth.  

The water boil warning was lifted & I'm still not sure how much of our area was impacted.  I don't feel sick yet.   We went shopping yesterday & as the day wore on, I wore out.  By evening I was exhausted.  My arms felt like dead weights & I had a slight fever.   I did my best to get to bed & get some sleep. 

Sleeping didn't go as well as I'd hoped.  I kept waking up.   It's still chilly today & my allergies are giving me a slight fever & headache.  

I seriously need for some of these environmental factors to tone it down for a while.  The only factor here I can really control is my activity level.  It seems for now, it's going to have to stay on a lower setting.  At least, I got some of my exercise done this morning. Maybe I'll sleep better tonight.


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