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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pressure Changes...

In typical Spring fashion, everything weather-wise is being up & down.  Rainy then dry, high then low allergens,  warm then cold, etc..   The biggest issue I have with this is the pressure.

My house has been become a pressure cooker in the mornings.  If I don't leave the windows cracked, even though it's chilly, I wake up to a lot of stale pressure in the house.  I have to open the windows & doors to get things to level out again.

Until I get the pressure to level out, my had feels like it's in a vice.  Not a pleasant thing.   Hopefully, the temperature range will start to settle down soon.  That's 1 of the main culprits in this mess.  

We might be going out this afternoon, so I'm writing early.  This will be short.  I have to admit other than the pressure stuff, I'm feeling better this week.


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