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Friday, April 18, 2014


We're home after shopping.  I'm hoping our week is done.  I've little strength left for anything else.  This last month has been beyond taxing with the benefit renewal process & the issues with my specialist.  

We've got nothing planned for this weekend.   Yay!   It's been a busy 1st of the month for both of us & we could use the breather.  

To be honest, I'm still worried somewhat about the benefits thing.  I won't really believe it until the $ is in my account.  I have another month before I find out whether my specialist will actually show up this time.  

Trust is not something I come by easily & these things have burned me.  I doubt I'll really ever trust either of these things.  That's a bad thing for me.  When I have to deal with things I don't trust, I tend to get really anxious about it.  I wish people would just do there end of things & it would all be so much easier on everyone.

Hopefully, this is all set.  If it is, I'm done for the month.  The bills are paid & the major errands ran.  Now, it's only house stuff & shopping.  Actually, I have to have blood drawn at the end of the month, but that's all I can think of for now.

Here's hoping for a easier tail-end of April.


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