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Tuesday, April 29, 2014


It's the next to last day of April.   So, why is the thermometer reading in the 40's F?   Worse than that, tomorrow morning may be in the 30's.  I'm really past it being cold for the season.  

Between the weather shifts, allergies & some household issues, I'm not feeling the best.  It's mainly stomach & allergy crap, but still it wears you out.   I've spent far too much time either in the bathroom or blowing my nose.

At lest the things going on with my roomie have an initial plan of action.  There will be more after that, but those can't be tackled at this time.  Just like walking, 1 foot in front of the other.   Try to do more & you'll fall on your backside.

I realize I'm not posting as well as I could be.  However, with what's going on right now, it's been a little hard to focus on things.  At least there's somewhat of a plan in place.


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