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Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Take 2...

We're having some rain & it's trying to warm up a bit.  The yard guy will be back soon.  Hopefully, we can keep up with all the weeds & bugs.  

We're probably going to be dealing with quite a few schedule changes soon.  We've had some things come up that will need attention from time to time.  We'll just have to see how they work out.  I'd say more, but the matters aren't mine, or at least not mine alone.

We're getting new neighbors.  The house to the north of us just resold for a ridiculous amount.  I think it's an older couple.  Maybe they'll be quiet.  

I'm rewashing some blankets that I'd meant to put away, but didn't.  The cats had rechristened them in fur.  This time they're going up. I did some vacuuming earlier & it was amazing how much shed fur I picked up.  I should sell that stuff.  They could make cat-fur sweaters.

Not much else going on here now.  


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