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Thursday, April 3, 2014


This article is about a campaign called, My Status Is Not A Secret. It's promotes public recognition & awareness of people's HIV status.  It wants to push this via various media outlets by announcing people's status.  These are consenting people, so this is a personal outing, not a violation.  

I get what they're trying to accomplish, however, it's never that simple.  There are a lot of things that have to be taken into consideration 1st.   Is it safe for you to do this?  Are you ready for the reactions to this?   Will you tell those close to you 1st or will they find out via a Youtube video?  

You have to realize that once done, this can never be undone.   You would willingly be giving up your privacy on the matter.  There could be serious benefits to you, but there could also be nasty consequences.  

I don't treat my status as a secret.  However, for those in my life, I want to decide who I tell & not as much as possible.  I don't consider my status a secret, but I might consider it none of your business.  

For anyone out there considering this, I hope you take the time to really mull this over.  If you opt not to, I totally get it.  If you go for it, then I wish you well.  

Your status doesn't have to be your secret.  But your status doesn't have to be anyone else's business either.  Whatever your choice, your status shouldn't be the end-all, be-all of who you are.  You're more than a + person or someone living without HIV.


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