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Monday, April 7, 2014

Picking Sides...

This article details a schism in the gay community.  To use Truvada as an HIV preventative or not.  Some people view this as something that will make people more reluctant to use condoms than they already are.   Even though this med would only help with HIV & not other STD's.  

The pro's for the use of Truvada are simple.  It can lower the chance of contracting HIV.  That's a pretty big point in it's favor, especially for those that refuse to use condoms.

The cons are a bit more numerous.  Truvada without some form of assistance or insurance is over a $1,000 (US) monthly.   The list of side effects & interactions for this med are as long as any other HIV med.   In addition, you will need regular labs drawn to keep an eye on your status & any chance of toxicity.  

This puts aside all the political & moral hoo-ha about the matter.  Many are taking this as a chance to promote their moral superiority over those that use the med as preventative.   Cheap shot in my opinion.

Personally, I wouldn't use Truvada.  Not for a moral reason, but for a health & financial point.  I can't afford it.  If I wasn't +, there is no way I'd want to deal with the fallout of HIV meds.  This med helps, but it isn't guaranteed to keep you safe. Maybe someday there will be a pill we can simply pop & there goes all the chance of transmission without any serious cost or consequence.  That day isn't here yet.  


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