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Monday, April 14, 2014


Apprehension is a good word for my home right now.  I'm wondering if the lawn guy will ever get to finish the yard.   More importantly, we still haven't heard anything back in regards to our benefit renewals.  

My roomie has a doctor appointment tomorrow, so tomorrow's post will be brief.   The appointment is with a new doctor.  She's nervous about it.  It's a doctor she hasn't met before, for a subject she hasn't had to repeatedly approach with a physician before.

I was very skittish about the possibility of having to get a new specialist recently.    I get her anxiousness.  Going to a doctor can be a unnerving experience in the best of situations.  Going to a new 1 under unfamiliar circumstances can be very trying.  

She's done here best to alleviate stress & potential issues.   We'll check the tires & gas up on the way out.    She's called for explicit directions. We'll leave early enough to allow for traffic & all the forms she'll need to be fill out.   

Past that, there's little she can do.    That's the problem, once there's nothing more we can do about a situation, a lot of us start to panic.    When actually, it should be the time we just let go of it.  We've done what we can, now we just have to wait & see.  I, by the way, most often do not manage to do that.    

It's hard to let go.  To admit, there's nothing more we can do.  But, sometimes, that's the simple truth of the matter.  What could've been done, has been done.  Sometimes, that just seriously sucks.  If we can keep doing something, anything, we don't have to think about it as much.    Thoughts can be a killer.  Especially when they're about things you have absolutely no control over.

Tomorrow will come.  She will probably be nervous.  Understandably so.  Then the appointment will happen.  What will happen then, who knows?  But, at least that part of this process for her will be over.


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