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Friday, September 27, 2013


I haven't gone looking for candles in a long time for this blog.  But this is my 1,000th post.  It's hard to believe I've stuck with anything this long, but I have.

I know a lot of what I post about may seem trivial to some.  But, I only stated I'd write about my life as a 40+ man living in rural Oklahoma who is HIV+.  I've done that, even when it's been about how the little things in my life are impacting me.   I've also blogged about articles that I found pertinent to my blog & my life.

Here's to my blog.  Here's to me, for keeping at it.  I appreciate having this blog to write in daily.  I'm happy that I kept writing it.  So cheers & yippee to my 1,000th post.  I hope everyone has a great day.


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