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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Uggh Issues...

I'm not sure if it's the weather, allergies, meds, something I ate or a combo of all the above, but my stomach is giving me hell today.  It's a bit difficult to concentrate on blogging or much else with my stomach being so topsy turvy.  

It's just another wonderful thing I've had in my life ever since I became +.  The meds are rough on your digestion.  Allergies can screw with your stomach. Weather & diet can both affect me.  I'm far more sensitive to all of this since I've contracted HIV.

Small things, that most people get by with can become big issues for someone with HIV.  I've spent a good amount of time in the bathroom this morning & the day is just getting started.  These are the issues that would make a day job a real challenge.  Hopefully, my focus will be better tomorrow.


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