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Friday, September 6, 2013

Another Friday..

The 1st Friday of the month is here & we've already been out shopping.  This Summer has been odd &  stressful.  It's caused us to want to be any where but home quite a bit.  That's led us to spend quite a bit more than we should have.  I'm a little upset that we did it, but I understand why we did.  This wasn't spending $ on a new sink faucet or car tire, but it was important.   

We were stressed & anxious.  Sometimes you just have to get away for a bit.  Unfortunately, that costs more than we can really afford most the time.  So, until the holidays, we're pretty much going to have to do without.  That's not that bad.  We'll be fine, but still, we've put ourselves back in this position.

It's easier being in the house in the cooler weather.  There's not as much stress as during the hotter months.  There's also no longer 1 old man cat, doing horrible things in the house.  Things are calming down around here.  Yesterday, was the month anniversary of his passing.  It feels longer.  Sorry to say it Salem cat, but for the last year you stressed the hell out of me.

So our upcoming activities will be more limited.  Oh well, things happen.


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