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Sunday, September 15, 2013


I hate yard work, but at least it's done for the time being.  Somehow, we managed to get it all hauled to the curb this morning.   There were several rose of sharon bushes, crepe myrtles, roses, a lilac bush, a peach tree, a snowball bush & a bush with yellow flowers that I have no idea what it's name is.  That fails to mention the low hanging tree limbs that got whacked.  Neither does it list the utterly determined & invasive morning glory vines that were throughout much of this mess.

Regardless, it's at the curb & waiting to be hauled away.  Yeah!  This has left me tired, sore & itchy.    I'm not really in a place to focus on blogging at the moment.  I'm hoping I didn't overdo it.  I really don't want to wind up sick over this mess.  But, it had to be done.  So, we'll see what comes of it.


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