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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 5...

This is day 5 of my new year & there isn't a lot going on today.  I don't have any plans other than doing some chores & going to pick up my roomie later in the day.  I'll probably try to catch up on some Netflix stuff, but we'll see how that goes. 

I let go of an activity recently & it's freed up a little time.  I'd thought I'd be getting more done.  Instead, I seem just to be reveling in the new, free moments.  That's fine.  Soon enough, I'll find something to fill them back up.

Without that activity in my mornings & the morning dread of my recently departed, shit-zombie cat gone, mornings have been a lot less stressful.    I don't deal well with anything in the morning.  I'm not by nature a morning person.  In fact, I pretty much hate the idea of early rising.  That's for birds & other strange creatures.

I've got a doctor's appointment on the 12th.  It shouldn't be any big deal, just routine. We've got some yard work planned.  We're getting plans for holiday gifts together.  Other than routine stuff, that's just about our month, other than what might pop up.


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