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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Last September Sunday...

This is the last Sunday & next to last day of September.  This month has flown by.  I guess once the weather cooled down & we finally got comfortable, we mainly just slept, a lot. It started out a hot month, but it's coming to an end with some serious chilly days.  

I like September once you get past my birthday.  That pretty much means once you get Labor Day weekend (USA) & all it brings.  After that, the hot days are on the way out & better sleeping weather is coming.

We're entering the heart of Autumn & the holidays will quickly follow.  From here we have Halloween specials & then onto Thanksgiving & more wintry things.

I hope we get a good fall this year.  I want crisp weather for a while, not hot or frigid.  I want to see some color in those leaves other than dry, burned out browns.  I have high expectations for you Autumn.  So, get cracking.


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