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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Should I Or Shouldn't I....

That certainly is the ? when considering being open about your HIV status.  This article by Steven Petrow, a gay & lesbian manners guru, delves into that topic.  How or should someone divulge their + status.   It's an interesting read.  I'm not going to synapse it for you, but I will say it's a topic every + person out there will eventually face.

If they're lucky, how others find out will be through them & not some gossipy person in their life.  Over half the people who know I'm + were made aware of it by someone other than myself.  My ex-roommate thought my having HIV was all about him, so he was very quick to gab to anyone who would listen.   He saw nothing wrong with this, after all I was part of his life.  However, if the tables had been turned, he would've been livid.  Stupid queen.  Yes, I went there.

Being gay is your business.  Being + is your business.  In most cases you are not required to tell anyone else anything about your sexuality of serostatus.  Quite frankly, more often than not, it's no one else's business. Unless these things will actually affect the other person, then it isn't your job to disclose unless you choose to do so.  

Be warned, that cat won't go back in the bag. Once it's done, it's done.  Choose as carefully as possible.  In the end, if you do or don't, it's up to you.


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