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Thursday, September 26, 2013

No More Barilla...

According to this article, the Barilla company stated it had no intentions of ever embracing gay people in regards to their products.  Fine, so be it, it's their business.  Then again, it's my $ & my cash won't be going to any of their products.  If they are against me or those like me, then I most certainly will not spend my resources to support their company.  

It won't be the 1st time I've stopped supporting a business over their politics or social/religious causes. It won't be the last.  I refuse to support any business that ultimately opposes my rights or the causes I support. I may not be able to much in this world for the causes I support, but I can do my best not to support those who would oppose those causes.

Sometimes, in life you have to give things up for something you believe in.  This time it was Barilla pasta.  Oh well, there are a lot of other pasta's out there.


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