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Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Monday...

I have no idea why, but I've had the hardest time today accepting that today is actually Monday.  I know it is, but there are several points when I was shopping earlier that I was convinced it was Friday.  There may have been some things I shopped for as if we were coming up on the weekend.  Probably going to have to make another run to the store or do without until Friday.

I hate days like this.  You know those times when you walk into a room & go utterly blank on why you did in the 1st place.  Or when you open a wiki page to look something up, but by the time it loads, you've forgotten what you were looking up.

Oh well, it's Monday & I've gone shopping, at least in part.  That's my day so far.  I hope your's is being more coherent.


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