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Monday, September 16, 2013


OK, we're recovering from the weekend madness of yard work.  I really didn't want to go shopping this morning, but it was that day.  We hit Walmart, which left me disgusted.  They didn't have half of what I needed.  Begrudgingly, we went to the other store & went through it.  They had what we needed, but I really was not up to the 2nd trip.  I was tired, sore & irritated at Walmart for making this extra effort necessary.

1 of the earliest things I learned about living with HIV, was not to push things too far.  I don't care how good you may feel that day, if you keep pushing your limits, you're going to find out how rough living with HIV can be.   I try not to exhaust myself.  I don't want to get physically or mentally worn down.  That will only lead to me getting sick.  Getting sick (any kind) only jeopardizes my overall health.

Even if I think I can do it all, I have to remind myself, doing it can have a severe cost.  Living as a + person, you have to get to know your limits.  It's OK to occasionally push them & see if you can gain more strength.  But, pushing too far will be problematic.

I'm tired & sore,  I know I need to back off a bit for a day or so.  If not, I'll only get worse.  That's life with HIV.


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