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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crossed Wires...

Somehow my specialist's office lost my appointment time.  Luckily, they called & the appointment wasn't supposed to be until next February.   My last appointment was in an odd location & some of their equipment seemed off.  I bet they lost my appointment after it was set then.

At least they called today & we managed to get it straightened out.  It's things like this you have to stay on top of with these people.  You think something is set only later to find out they messed it up.  

Sure, it's only a clerical error, but that could've cost me an appointment slot.  That could've screwed up my appointment intervals & how my insurance handles things.

It's rarely the big things these people mess up.  It's things like messing up the entry of your appointment into the computer or not drawing enough blood for testing.  It's these little things that can really become royal pains in the ass.


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