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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trust, Routine & Stress...

When you live a restricted life; disabled, limited income, elderly, etc.., you become acutely aware of certain things.   1 of those is, life is abundant with stressors & sorely lacking in things that bring us comfort, security & rejuvenation. 

We use these things to get us through our lifetimes with our limited means.  A common tactic is having a routine.  I think under such circumstances as limited income or chronic illness, a routine is an absolute must for maintaining your life.  Even if, the regimen itself, can at times becoming taxing & irritating.  

We find little things to take joy in & lift our moods.  Things to look forward to throughout the day.  A certain cookie you have on Friday afternoon or your afternoon tea.   It all sounds terribly British, but it's what  a lot of people do.

My roomie takes a small amount of joy in the teas I buy for her.  They're not expensive & until recently they were easily obtainable from Walmart.  Being they were easy to get & affordable, meant they could be something she could have relatively often.   They lightened her load a bit.

But Walmart had to go & screw it up.  I used to buy her 6 varieties of tea, of which Walmart no longer carries 5.  3 of them were part of a Lipton line,  I think the company discontinued, so not Wally World's fault there.  But the other 2 are still in production.  

Sure, it was just a tea blend, but it was the loss of another thing.  Another thing that helped her get through her day.  It was another chip at her routine. Her attempt to bring some order to the chaos of her life.  It was something that gave her a bit more strength to carry on with things.  Now those things were gone with nothing thing to replace them with in the foreseeable future.

Her routine was challenged.  Her trust in what she could have was weakened.  Her irritation with Walmart only added to her stress.  Luckily, I managed to find 2 of the tea blends online for a price we can handle.  Still, the routine has been altered & not because we choose to do so.  Some outside thing stuck itself in our lives & screwed things up again.

Screw you Walmart.  To hell with you Lipton.  You messed with our regimens.  You caused us stress.  You broke what little trust we had in your companies.  I hope the people that actually make these calls get fungal infections in places they can't reach.

In the end, we have had to alter our routine.  My roomie has lost 3 tea blends. It was all another big mess we didn't ask for nor need in our lives.  I seriously dislike surprises.


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