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Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve...


It's the last day of December & 2023.  It'd be nice to have a year end & me be content.  Instead, for some time I've been happy to see the year go.  Why are the things we miss, those we can't get back?  Then the stuff we want rid of lingers or returns.

I'd like for 2024 to be better.  I'd like to leave the issues of 2023 in their year.  I hope I can do that.  In a few days it'll be the anniversary of this blog & my diagnosis.  So, old years will be closing out all around. 

I hope your last day is amazing.  May the year bring us all what we need.  It's nearly time to open the door to let the old year out & the new in.  Take care.


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Less Than 1%...


According to this piece from POZ, less than 1% of ER visits includes an HIV test.  Even though there's a push for Opt-Out HIV testing for ER's, it's not offered often.  As usual the numbers are worse in the South.

In the past 5 years due to health issues, I've been in a walk-in clinic & ER, neither had my health record immediately available & neither mentioned testing.  The numbers for the South according to this were 0.05% overall & as low as 0.01% in rural areas.   In a small town, southern ER that means about 1 out of 1,000 are tested.  Some of these towns only have 5 - 10K people.  That would only be 5 - 10 people tested.

In addition, the CDC estimates around 14% of the 1.2 million people living with HIV nationwide do not know they carry the virus, and nearly 40% of new HIV cases are transmitted by people who don’t know their status.

In rural areas, especially among the poor, the ER may be the only contact people have with medical professionals.  If testing isn't going to happen or even be mentioned there, where will it be?  After, my doctor flaked out & "retired" that left only a handful of actual MD's/DO's in my county.  Most people see nurse practitioners.  I currently see such a person.  While I'm grateful they're here, they aren't doctors.  What happens when matters are beyond them & no doctors are available nearby?

How can we get people to get tested if we can't even get medical professionals to offer the test?  At least there's the health department.  Still, in some large county that may be a ways off from people.  Wrapping here, get tested & offer testing.  Be part of the solution, not part of the issue.


Friday, December 29, 2023

It Is A Big Thing...


This is going to be a short post.  This blog is about my life & living with HIV in rural Oklahoma.  I don't always post directly about HIV, it is about my life.  It is about what I experience as an HIV+ person.

For a while I've seen people posting they aren't worried about HIV.  There are meds, so it's not a big deal.  It may longer be a death sentence for most people.  It's still a big deal.  There are HIV+ people & those who aren't.  This is forever.  There are no time outs, vacations or opting outs. 

I'm not telling to be fearful.  I'm telling you to be cautious on these matters.  Better to pause & miss a fling.  Than to rush into it carry baggage for the rest of your life.  HIV is scary, expensive, exhausting, isolating...  The worse part of it is it will never go away.  

HIV is the reason for this blog.  HIV is a big deal.  Be careful with your life.  Take care.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Down To 3...


It's down to 3 full days left of 2023.  We don't have a lot planned for the remainder of the year.  It seems articles feel the same.  They've been short supply as the year wraps.

It's cold & my body hates it.  It's also been dreary, which makes things worse.  Winter leads to coughing, dry skin, weird sleep, aches, odd blood pressure, fatigue...  The list goes on.  I'm not a fan of the cold or dark.

The beginning of the year will start with another weird mail schedule thanks to New Years Day.  Then things should be back to normal for that.  While I'm not really looking forward to 2024, I won't miss 2023.  It's not like we get a choice in these matters.

Take care.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

5, 4, 3...


This is the last trash day of 2023.  Counting today, there are only 5 days left in the year.  This has been a nerve wracking year full of breakage, endings, forced new beginnings & massively stressful events.  We were preemptive where we could be, but a lot of it came without warning.  I lost relationships I'd had for decades & they were over with no input from me.  2023 was a year of loss & very little gain.

The year started with us missing our girl Tinkerbell who I posted on earlier in the month.   Today is the anniversary of the post I wrote about Alice passing.  we did gain a little kitten named Machen.  At 1st we tried to rehome him.  Only to find we no longer had much connection to anything or anyone.

This hasn't been an easy year for us.  My roomie has been pretty actively working on things.  Me, not so much.   I can't even say I'm doing as well as I was at the start of the year.  I may be able to help cats & sometimes other people, but I never really manage to improve myself or my life.  Things keep slipping & I just try to fill in the gaps. 

I guess I didn't let how hard 2023 was on me really hit until recently with the issues in October, then a kitten, then the plumbing.  That doesn't even count the earlier parts of the year.  I can't spin that fast anymore & I'm worried 2024 will be worse.  Life needs a pause button.  Hell it needs a hard reset option.

That's all for now.  Hope your 2023 affairs are in order.  Take care.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Now Dash Away...

Christmas happened.  I wish I could say I handled it well, but I didn't.  The hardness of this year's holidays snuck up on me.  It wasn't my old disdain.  It was a hollowness that wouldn't let up.   A series of reminders of how it wasn't what I needed.  I don't even know what that'd be anymore.  I don't need things that could fit under a tree.  I don't need things that can be bought.  The things I need are more of a state of mind or income bracket.  Nothing that's going to be addressed by a gift or outing. 

I saw precious few lights this year.  Maybe they're like my hummers & dragons & fading away.  The numbers dwindled & the Winter night was just cold & dark.  Someone like me, shouldn't be the person trying to stoke the holiday embers.  I don't have that in me.

We watched our last holiday special last night, How The Grinch Stole Christmas.  During his coup on the holiday, he found the holiday still arrived without all the trappings.  A lovely thought.  In my life, it's mostly been the opposite.  Even with all the lights, presents & food, the holiday never really came.  The season may have been bright & merry, then the guest of honor, Christmas, failed to show.  The day arrived & the event happened.   But the magic, the promise, the specialness never materialized.  It was just a long con, that left a mess of wrapping, boxes, leftovers & unmet dreams. 

I tried not to be a downer this holiday.  I pretty much failed at that.  I may have been more than others could handle.   I may have darkened the day more than I thought.  I really wasn't fit for company, not even with myself.  

Maybe 2023 was just too hard on me & I just couldn't.  Maybe next year there will be more lights.  Maybe there will come a time when I just can't do this at all anymore, but for now I'll try.  The biggest thing the holiday & it's specials try to pitch is hope.  Maybe I'm just too tarnished for that anymore.

I hope your holiday was grand.


Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas...


Christmas is here.  I think the reason A Charlie Brown Christmas is meaningful is that many people find it so relatable.  The characters range from oblivious to removed & rejected.  Only Linus is aware of the holiday's meaning.  Sally wants things.  Most the other children are in their own little world.  Charlie Brown questions it all, especially why he feels left out.  While the jaded Lucy tries to manipulate the situation to her best advantage, knowing she'll be disappointed.  

The story is actually about a boy's attempt to find the meaning & acceptance of the holiday.  Charlie Brown saves a poor, little tree from abandonment.  Doing so  gives the other children find a chance to salvage the holiday spirit in themselves.  Things need love, understanding & acceptance. 

For many of us, the holiday spirit is fleeting & soon gone.   I'm ready for this to go back in the box.  I love the lights, but they're reminders of what was, wasn't & will never be.  None of which I can alter.  They bring not quite discomfort, but too much awareness of things not in my life.

They say accepting life is how to live it well.  Once I accepted life, I realized I was never going to have the few things I ever wanted.  Then there wasn't a reason to live well or otherwise.  A lot of us are just watching things go while we wait for our stop.  If the point was to have a good journey, then I failed.  That's nothing new for me.  

For some people the holidays are important.  For some of us they're just reminders we aren't important.  It'd be easier for me if these days were just denotations on the calendar, bearing no more weight than the 3 o'clock does on a clockface.  Oh yes it's Winter Solstice, the days will start getting longer.  It's Spring Equinox, growing will begin in earnest and so on.  As for remembrance days & thanks days, do we really remember anything or be thankful?  Or are they just days off for some people?

A lot of places are closed today.  Some are happy for that.  For others, it's less places to go other than stay home alone.  Holidays are supposed to be pleasantries wrapped in pretty bows.  For some of us they're just reminders of our place in things.

Merry Christmas to all, but remember for some people these are hard times.  Take care.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

1st Eve...


It's Christmas Eve.  Here it's dreary & supposed to rain all day.  Sad night to be in a sleigh.  After tomorrow, we just have New Years Eve & 2023 will be topped off.  

That's just 7 days before 2024.  It's under 2 weeks for the anniversary of this blog & my diagnosis.  May the rest of 2023 be kind to us all. 

We have to head out in a bit.  Normally we'd shop tomorrow, but the stores will be closed.  So, today it is.  If avoidable, I don't go near a store the day after the holiday.

Happy Holidays.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

No Thinking...


I do my best not to think about things too much during the holidays.  If not, I can let myself fall into a consuming nostalgia or find myself acting like lyrics from a Talking Heads' song.   Days will go by on their own without me dwelling on it.   Sometimes, it sneaks up on me & I'm there whether I like it or not.

There's really nothing good about the past, not even the good, fun things.  Why?  Because they're the past.  It can't help you.  It can only serve as a measuring stick to the present or your fears for the future.  

If I could go back, would I?   I don't know, because this was the worst carousel.  It was always the same ups & downs, getting right back to where we'd try to leave in the 1st place.   There are myths of sailors sailing off the edge of the world.  It's a myth, but what if they did.  At least they would've found something new, even if it was just dying.  

Life isn't really for the fearful, that only leads to anxiety & regrets.  Unfortunately, that's what I've been most of my life.   For a brief bit I was a fearless little kid & then my world came crashing down.  From then on, I was different, fearful & anxious.  My biggest regret in this life is simply being.  No one asked me to come to this crapfest, they just drug me into this quagmire.   I may not believe in predestination, but I do understand where you start in the game affects your chances.   For me & many life me, the die was cast into a line of seriously damaged people who had little to offer.  The cards they dealt sucked.  The best we could do was bluff.

So no thinking during the holidays.  It will come to no good.  Dance, sing, make merry, but don't think.  Eat, drink & partake, but don't dwell or remember.  Now is the moment, the rest is either gone or may never be.

Take care, happy holidays, no thinking.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Nearly Over...


The year is winding down & it's going as it has before.  Even though I'm fairly removed from the holiday activities & cheer I still notice how much of a trick it is.  People still get built up & then it's not what was expected.  

Still people play along with the charade so they don't bring others down.  Some of us don't handle the pantomime well any more.  We can't hide how crestfallen the situation has left us.   The real question is, what if all of us are just playing a part & no one really has the spirit any longer?  What then?  

Is that what happened?  Did we all look behind the curtain?  I won't say this is the worst Christmas season for me.  None of us are sick & we have no major drama playing out.   Still, this has been a very lackluster season with so little joy & cheer.  Maybe the world choked out all the merriment & mirth. 

I miss the lights & sparkle.  I miss the wonder.  Not so much for the bell-ringers, but I only saw 1 Salvation Army bell-ringer.  They used to everywhere throughout the season.  There's so little brightness, cheer or charity left.  Maybe the season is a tradition past.

There's just another weekend & then the final count of 2023 begins.  There's just the Day & 2 Eves left.  There's another trash day & a few more trips to the store.  I should feel something about this, but I don't really.   

May your year end well & holidays be grand.  Take care.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice, Yule & Cats Past...


It's actually Winter, not just the meteorological season that starts with December.  Yule is upon us & may it be good for you & yours.  It's a time to acknowledge the longest night & welcome the return of the lengthening days.   

While Yule may be about lights & festivities, it's also about cleaning house & finishing things needing to be handled before the new year.  It's a time to remember the past & look forward to the coming days.  It's a time to cherish those with us & call up the memories of those no longer here.

This time, last year our 19 y.o. cat Tinkerbell passed.  She passed nearly a decade after the only cat she ever loved, Alice.  Below our their pictures.  Tink is the siamese.

There are the girls that found their way to the other side just as Yule was starting.  I guess a lady does always know when it's time leave.  Sometimes the season brings good tidings,  sometimes it takes them.  I wish them both the very best in their next lives.

Take care, Happy Yule.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Did It...


We managed an outing.  That's an event for us.  We actually went to see people & were social.   It's not something we're used to anymore.  Things were slowing down before COVID & after that, they came to a near complete stop.   

Still we went.  There was food, people, lights, music, conversation, etc...  We may not be used to it, but we probably needed to be somewhere else at least once for the holidays.   I'm done for the season, my roomie has a family thing tomorrow.  

We saw decorations & lights driving back.  Even though the other drivers were annoying, the lights were nice.  Hopefully, it won't be so long before the next outing.

Take care.


Tuesday, December 19, 2023



This will be brief.  I need to get around.  We're going to a holiday thing & it's in the early afternoon.  I need to get cleaned up & then go over.  

People want to tell you what it means to do the holidays, to be gay, to be this or that, hell even how to be you.  That's total BS!  Only you get to decide that.  Maybe some of it you share with others, maybe you don't.   Whatever it is, like they say, you do you.  No one else is going to do it for you.  At the end of the day, the only person you owe anything to is yourself.  If you choose to let others in, that's your choice.  But you can set limits & show them the out door.  To hell with all the authentic crap, just be real to yourself.  In the end, that's your only real obligation.  Screw that up & you're only hurting yourself.

May the holidays lighten your load.  Find the holly jolly where you can.  Take care.


Monday, December 18, 2023

1 Then 2...


Tick Tock people, the clock is winding down & days are falling off calendar.  There's only a week until Christmas & then another before the New Year begins.  I used to be so excited about these things, but not really anymore.  Mostly it seems to be a rush for everyone to finish out their end of the physical year stuff.  

It's time to get the finishing touches handled for the holidays.  Get ready for whatever you're doing for New Year's Eve.   Use all your work & insurance benefits.  In 2 weeks the calendar changes & it's allegedly a new year.  The last several have seen like bad carbon copies of the previous years.   They're not even faded Xerox.  They might even be smudgy mimeographs.   That'd explain all the mess. 

Whatever it is, I hope the remainder is as bright, shining & joyous as it can be for you & yours.  Take care.


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Communities Lead...


The theme of this years World AIDS Day, was, "Let communities lead."  I think it's great.  Some of the only people who will ever have any influence in some HIV impacted communities are people from it.  For too long, we've continued with the outside professional model.  The problems with this are plentiful.

Outsiders, are just that, outsiders.  They may not have the understanding to deal with specifics of a given group.  There could be many accusations made.  The providers may be considered to be ignorant, racist or having a savior approach.  For decades we've expected medical providers to handle sociocultural issues they weren't equipped to handle, nor was it their job.

It's time to let communities handle these matters.  It's time for communities to actually handle these matters & not ignore them.  The previous model was only so successful & it wasn't enough.  Let's see how this goes.


Saturday, December 16, 2023

So This Is...


Growing up, we're filled with a lot of other people's ideas, notions, delusions, hopes, beliefs...  Most of this focuses on how things are, will or should be.  These things come from our families, friends, peers, leaders, media, etc... The problem is these ideas rarely hold up to when tested.  

We're told how we should live.  We're given work ethics & expectations.  They tell us of wonders, horrors, gods, heroes & villains.  But these things are what they were told by those who came before them.  Ours is a culture of should be's & not what is.

A specific point would be the holidays.  My roomie & I were raised with certain notions about the Christmas & what it should be.  Her experience is different than mine, her birthday's in the mix.  But the expectations of the holidays never held up.  They always started off right but then went askew.  They never provided what was alluded to & in the end were always a let down.

Now, being the kids we were, we questioned if this was somehow our doing.  I'm sure we would've got blamed for it if we asked.  But after the holiday specials, pretty lights, decorations & food; it all went back to normal.  The production of it all became apparent.  It was just a show we put on for ourselves. 

As adults, we used to try to emulate those early memories of Christmas.  Slowly we let them slide.  It was weird to do that.  It felt a bit like failing.   But, as time went by, we defined what the holiday would be for us.  Instead of a single big day, we'd try to do little things throughout the month.  We'd try for things to brighten up our lives without hoping for some grand event that would never come.

Are our holidays grand?  No, but that may be beyond what we can muster any more.  What they are is, ours.  They're our holidays.  They fit us & our wants, needs.  It's taken time to accept, but I think we have.  Now, after holiday our redefinition, it seems maybe a lot of other people are undergoing the same process.  What do these days mean to us?  What do we want/need out of them?  What are we willing/capable of doing for them without harming ourselves now or later?

Christmas isn't gone for us, but it's not what it was.  Part of me misses that.  I miss the lights, laughter & grandness.  I miss Winter parties at the theatre, huge parades & driving around looking at lights on beautiful homes.  But those things are memories now.

Sometimes acceptance feels like failure.  May be it is or maybe it's just letting the curtain drop & seeing the reality of it all.  A part of me will always have wished this was a lesson I hadn't had to learn.  But there are so many of those in our lives.

Take care, Happy Holidays.


Friday, December 15, 2023

December Drear...


I woke to dismal skies & the probability of rain.  I know we need the rain, but I don't need the drear.  These grey skies sap every bit of energy I can muster.  We need to go shopping in a bit.  We can probably get everything handled before the rain hits.  At least I hope we can.  After this the temps will lower again.  Oh well, it's December & nearly Solstice.  It may be expected & normal, but I don't have to like it.

That's it for now.  Take care.


Thursday, December 14, 2023



This piece from is about how & if the site will use generative AI.  Calling this an article would be off, it's more like an opening to a dialog.  A back & forth is inviting to see about how & if they will use AI in the efforts to confront HIV & aid those living with the virus.   

This is a very scant bit, but they asking for people to join in their efforts as they explore the possibilities of utilizing AI on the site.   Give it a read.  Add your input if you have something to contribute.  

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Last Of 3...


We only have 3 more each of Wednesdays - Sundays.  The rest of the weekdays are down to 2.  That leaves only 3 more times taking the trash to the curb in 2023.  Ever year this seems to mean less than the year before.   There used to be so much to get excited about.  Now, I can't even choose something I'd want to get or do for Christmas.  

I hate being like that.  I'm bringing down my own party, such as it is.   But the movie selection is barely mentionable.  The restaurants are questionable.  Most of what I used to like to go do is no longer available.  So the holidays have just become another day.  Just with more crap to handle & no mail.

I'm not upset, just annoyed.  I'm not grinching, I'm just removed.  No longer are there wish catalogs, beautiful lights in my area or a lot of get togethers.  It's just my roomie, our cats & some holiday specials.  

The dissonance of it all is upsetting & off putting.  If everyone has holiday ennui, maybe no one really does.  Maybe the party's over & someone forgot to tell revellers & merrymakers.   There's nothing to revel in, nothing to make merry & little to celebrate, so please kindly, in a orderly manner, go home. 

Maybe it's closing time for a lot things.  That's it for now.  Take care.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Less Than...


Just a quick note, the clock is ticking on 2023.  There's only 13 days before Christmas & less than 3 weeks left in the year.   New Years Eve is in 19 days.  It's nearly closing time & the ugly lights are coming on.  Soon everyone will scatter like startled roaches.  

2023 was dismal.  If not the worst of the new  millennium, it was definitely near the top.   I wish I could hope for 2024 to do better, but it's an election year.  My only hope for the coming year is that it isn't worse.  

There it is, a reminder of how little is left of 2023.    Take care.


Monday, December 11, 2023

Just Words...


A lot of people write in bumper sticker slogans;  stop the stigma, normalize, thriving not living, close the gap, etc...  These words aren't even serious ideas when it comes to HIV.   They're just pleasant niceties people say to make it seem like you care or have a plan.  

Take stigma, for as long as there's been people, there's been something stigmatized, made bad or taboo.  It started before HIV & will be here far longer.  For better or worse, it's part of human society & has nothing to do with HIV.  It's a social control weapon.  HIV has been here for decades & the stigma associated was already associated with gays & drug users.  This stigma may lessen, but it's not going away.  

You can't force people to normalize anything.  Sometimes it happens, but not by force or hard core suggestive selling.   Most of the matters people say they want regarding HIV & it's treatment/acceptance have little to do with the medical profession.  They're social issues & won't be meted out by a doctor. 

As for thriving not living.  Ha!  I've been HIV+ for 20+ years & not once was I thriving.  A lot of the time, I was barely existing, let alone living.  Stop selling pipe dreams, mantras & meme sayings.  They're easy, changing things for the better is a herculean task. 

Take the hot air you used for "sayings" & put it into a balloon.  At least balloons are fun & might make someone smile.  A single person smiling is worth a hundred reading your bumper sticker philosophy.


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Chilly Sunday..


The cold is creeping back in & it's fairly nippy this morning.  It is December after all.   We'll have to leave faucets dripping the next couple of nights & the stove will stay on overnight.  The dripping & heated air can get to you after a while.  We haven't had to do it much so far this year.  But, our cold months are actually January & February.  Sometimes March can actually be as chilly as December.  

Nothing out my windows says it's nearly Christmas.  The sun's shining & I still see green grass.  There aren't any Winter birds about.  Maybe someone has a good feeder out for them nearby.  Each year there's less hummers, dragons & Winter song birds.  Pretty soon all Winter will be is a frigid, yucky brown landscape of mush.  We can't seem to have nice things around here anymore.

May things be brighter & more joyous wherever you may be.  Take care.


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Not Much Saturday...


Yesterday went mostly as planned.  The only issue was the delivery with my meds on it was late to the pharmacy.  I'll have to pick them up on Monday.  Other than that, the day was alright.  It was darker than we'd like & it eventually rained a bit.  The rain we need, not so much the dark. 

My seasonal blahs seem to have been contagious.  For a while during the holidays, people near us would decorate their homes fairly well.  Bit by bit, that's faded.  Some of them may have moved or passed on.  The amount of holiday decor & lights has definitely diminished.   I wish it hadn't.  The lights are probably my favorite part of the holiday season.  Still the sense of holiday spirit has been dwindling for years.  I think it was replaced by politics, religions, hate & brattiness.

For those still putting up holiday lights, thank you.  

Take care.


Friday, December 8, 2023

A Rural OK Post...

I'm not sure how or if the matters in this article will affect me.  The piece is from concerning Oklahoma's attempts to fight HIV in rural areas.  It seems to rely on the state health departments & currently available resources.   It read like an attempt to further push already present resources in a different, possibly more efficient, manner.  

I'm not sure if this will do anything for me.  Probably not, since it seems to rely mostly on telemed.  I'd love to have specialists closer to my area.  I doubt that will ever happen. 

That's all for now.  We need to go finish bill stuff & run by the pharmacy.  Take care.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Week 1...


We're just trying to get through December without any further screw ups or drama.  I don't have my hopes up.  We nearly made it through a day when my roomie got an issue in the mail.  After she spent more time on the phone, the matter seems to be resolved.  I guess we'll see.  It sucks you can't trust anyone just to do their jobs anymore without screwing you over or messing it up.  

We have no plans for today beyond trying to get past the beginning of the month's drama.  We need a serious down day.   If you're pushing drama, stress or stupidity move on to the next house.  We've had our fill here.

Take care.


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Angry, Embarrassed, Relieved...


The plumber finally came.  He told us the problem wasn't a hard fix & had it handled fairly quickly.  He also told us it had probably been there a while & we hadn't noticed.  The noise we heard in the pipes was most likely the city cleaning lines.  It may not have had anything to with our house.

While I am relieved, I'm also angry.  If the city had given notice, we might have considered the noise we heard had been them.  If my family had taught me a fraction of the practical skills they had, then I might have been better equipped to handle the situation.   My family taught me precious little.  What I do know, I gleaned watching people or learned via trial & error.  Now, the net & youtube make things a lot easier. 

I'm angry, because the 1st guy that came made this seem like a huge problem.   He would've probably tried to replace the entire line.  Which would've possibly cost 1,000s.  

I'm embarrassed for my lack of knowledge.  I do my best not to be so ignorant about things.  Still there are areas I know nothing about.  I can do research to try, but it doesn't always work.  Especially, not when I'm rattled, stressed & panicking.  

For now it's handled.  It'd be nice if nothing else craps out for a long while.  The people of this house need a serious moment to catch their breath & recuperate. 

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Wait, See, Blog...


We're still waiting on a plumber.  It'll be nice when this handled.  For now, we wait.  The only other thing happening here this morning is an annoying Windows update. 

For those of you that didn't know, has a blog on youtube,  They post videos a few times a week.  Give it a look for current info & situation reports.

That's about it for now.  Take care.


Monday, December 4, 2023

December Start...

The 1st of the month stuff begins today.  We'll handle what we can & then go shopping.   The plumber drama is ongoing.  Maybe tomorrow we'll get something handled.  Other than that, there isn't much going on here.  That's about it for now.  The articles I saw were mostly global situation updates on HIV.  Nothing for me to use here.

Take care.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

December Strikes...


December waited until day 2 before crapping out.  We have a plumbing issue & it could be fairly serious.  We can't find out more until the actual week.  I hate services that screw over people for having issues outside "normal" business hours.  I'm so sorry my problem didn't occur between  9 - 5.  I realize most service providers like plumbers & electricians are necessary.  I also think some of them will screw you every chance they get.

Yesterday was a bundle of nerves & anxiety.  It took forever too figure out anything.  Now, we're back to  the wait & see game with plumbers.  

Each of these incidents takes a little more of me.  I used to bounce back from them.  Now it takes longer & longer.  It doesn't help when they keep coming so fast I can't recover.  I don't have many more these stressor events left in me.  I just can't anymore.  

That's life here.  Take care.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

December Starts Dark...


We did a small outing yesterday & it was dark.  The whole day looks like it was early evening.  Today looks to do the same.  This time of the year sucks for the lack of light.  

Normally, I get a little cheer from the holiday lights  in the neighborhood.  That's not happening this year.   For the last few years, the holiday spirit has been dwindling.  For someone who never had much, it's easy to notice.  There's less holiday oriented things at the stores.  They hardly play holiday music.  Less people decorate their homes.  

Maybe we've started outgrowing the holidays.  Some people scream about them, but few really celebrate them like when I was a kid.  When people or places do celebrate them, it's more like a caricature of holidays past than the actual holiday.  You don't even see Christmas Coca Cola commercials anymore.

Maybe it's time for Santa, the reindeer & lights to take the nativity scene go out to the barn.  Maybe this is last trip for them.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  Because sometimes, the sparkling lights really do help people like me get through the season.

Take care & happy holidays.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Hello December & World AIDS Day...

It's the 36th World AIDS Day & the theme is, "Let communities lead."   The above link leads to the day's hows & whys.  This is the White House Proclamation for 2023's WAD.  This is from the WAD homepage & this is from  That should cover the topic.

It's the 1st of December.  I'm not expecting much.  The rest of 2023 has pretty much sucked.  Monday will be bills day.  The countdown is on for the holiday & the year.  I'm not rushing any.  I don't have any reason to believe 2024 will be any better.

May your December go well.   take care.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Goodbye November...

This is it for the month.  November went was pretty much like the rest year, no surprise there.  I'm expecting December to be dubious as well.  It'd be great if it wasn't, but 2023 has sucked so far.  I doubt it'll perk up at the end.

Come Monday, we'll start 1st of the month stuff.  There are only 31 full days left in the year.  Here's hoping December isn't a crapfest.

I recently got news the youngest of my sisters passed.  She'd lived a very rough life.  There were a lot of issues due to her side of the family as well our mother.  Maybe the next time around she'll get a better life.  No one deserves this crap on repeat.

Goodbye November & take care.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Trashy Day...


Since the garbage men didn't make their run last week, I've got twice as much trash to haul to the curb today.  As brisk as the air is, I'll probably wind up coughing.  Past that, we have all our normal midweek things to handle.

It's less than a month until the holiday.  Not a lot of time time left.  I'm sort of cheering to see 2023 leave.  Still, I wonder if 2024 is just watching & laughing, "So you thought that was bad, just wait til you see what I've got for you."

That's it for now.  I need to get around & get trash out.  Then we'll see what else we've got going on today.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Looking Back...


I was looking back on my blog to see what I was doing on this day for the last few years.  It looks I was the same as today, not much.  There was an appointment with my former doctor.  Before that it was winding down November.

It's sunny this morning & that helps drastically.  There are a lot of things I wish I could say about my life.  The best I can say is I'm still here & that's about the extent of it.  For whatever reason I'm still on this ride.

That's it for now.  Time to make sure all the November stuff is handled.  There's less a month until Midwinter.  The time to shut this year is nearing.

Take care.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Not Great...


I didn't expect November to be any better than the rest of 2023.  I also didn't expect it to be pecking at me the entire time.  It's been mostly little stuff, but it's been constant. 

I've not been doing that well & every time I try to take a step things happen.  Last night was OK, then the older cat made a break for it again.  The whole time I'm trying to find her, the kitten was following me.  She won't come if he's near me.   Still he was right on me & I got very frustrated with everything.  I'm tired of trying & getting nowhere.

Finally, after my nerves are shot, she shows back up.   Then this morning, the heater in my room starts acting up.  There's another to replace.

Each year past 2016 has gotten worse.  I'm expecting 2024 to be an utter shit storm.  Why wouldn't it be?  It's like nice things happen anymore.  At least ways not around me.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Try As I May...


The best I can be about things at the moment is ambivalent.  I think I'm more honest in the mornings.  I'm not awake enough to put on the charade of the living.  I'm not looking to die, but living doesn't seem to offer much better options.  I'm not looking forward to anything & I haven't in a while.  

If I look forward, I only see things being worse off than they are now.  That's not a pleasant thought.  If I look back, I get depressed over things I've lost & bad decisions I made.   So, I try to stay in the right here & now.  Unfortunately, that's not easy.  We have to make plans months out.  We have to worry about upcoming events.   Then there's things like Youtube dragging me back to my teens.

The now's a hard place to stay.  I'm not saying the now is safe.  But, at least I might be able to do something about the now.  Then things start picking at the now.

I keep seeing people who got me through my childhood & teens getting older.  They're not those people.  In my head Cyndi Lauper looks just like she did when I saw her,  Fun Tour, on October 7, 1984 In Tulsa, OK at Mohawk Park.   It was the same weekend as OKon.  It was a fun, weird weekend with people I haven't seen in decades.

Now I see Cyndi & the reality sets in on me.  Yesterday, I saw the Marty Krofft had passed.   Him & his brother made my childhood a lot easier, happier & brighter.  At least he got to see the 1st Krofft Con.   I hope he heard Tra La La on the way out.  Goodbye Mr Krofft & thanks for all the laughs.

The future is depressing, the past is lost & the now is damned difficult.  Sometimes opting out seems very sensible.  Like the song says, stop the world. Don't worry about me, I'll be able to fake it all in a moment or so after a little more caffeine.


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Seasons Change Well, Me Not So Much...


A major issue I have with the time changes is they align with the change of the seasons.  I have enough problems losing the light.  When the seasons alter & the air, light & temperature shift I don't fare well.  In a few weeks, we lost over an hour of useful light.  The air is chilled & carrying leaf litter.  It's windier, darker, wetter & colder.  It's just gloomy & I don't want to be in a gothic romance novel.

The seasonal changes affect my mood, my energy & how I feel physically.  Sometimes I catch up to this, others I don't.   I'll have to wait & see if I ever get into this season or not.  I hate the dark of the year.

That's it for now, take care.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Last November Friday...


It's the Friday after turkey day also known as black friday.  There was a time not too long ago, that should've been capitalized.  But the day after Thanksgiving doesn't carry the same oomph as it did in days past.   Due to pre sales & the internet, black friday is just another sale day & mostly over by the time I go shopping. 

Our day went alright, not counting the city forgetting to tell us trash wouldn't be running.  The food was good & the company was as it ever is around here.   The highlight of the day was us.  Then again the low point was having to realize it was ever only going to be us.  I don't think we're secondary people for anyone anymore.  I'm not even tertiary.   People seem to occasionally remember my roomie is here & call.   The only calls I get are spam, medical or other bad news.  Besides that, the only person who calls me is my roomie.  That's just to tell me where she parked when we go shopping.

That was our day.  I hope everyone else's went well.  That's all for now.  Take care.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Just Not...


For those celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving.  For everyone else, I hope you have a good day.  I'm not excelling at this holiday.  I tried, but I'm not thankful for much.  I have very little that isn't constantly challenging me & no I am not thankful for that.  I definitely did not need another cat, but I can't find anyone to take it.  Everyday seems to be a little reminder of how little I can actually do for myself or anyone else.  On top of that, people who should be there at least for my roomie, never seem to be when they're needed.   

As if I wasn't already in a crappy place, the town posted this morning, there won't be a trash pick up.  They could've done this anytime during the week.  But they waited until most people already had their trash taken to the curb.  That had to be hauled back.

I'll get the food together, but to hell with being thankful.  To everyone out there that has or would've helped me, thank you.  To everyone else, may you find the same as give.

Happy Food Day, not thankful.  Take care.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tuesday Happened...


Well yesterday was a thing.  We had a guest over & it was more than we're used to any more.  There is also a new kitten.  We'd heard it a few for a nights.  It's maybe 6 - 8 weeks.  It's obviously been near people, it wasn't afraid of us.  I doubt anyone's going to claim it.  I think they'd already be looking for it. Still trying to get it too settle down long enough to tell sex.  

Tomorrow's the holiday.  I hope it's whatever one needs it to be.  Take care.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Dark Remainder...


The forecast calls for the remainder of the month to be mostly dark.  It'll either be overcast or rainy.  What a way to usher in the holiday season.  I'll never be a fan of this time of year.  There's too little light & warth & far too many shoes, blankets, heaters & layers of clothes just to keep from freezing. 

Well there's nothing I can do about any of that.  But I did start getting everything ready for the holiday dinner.  What needs to be thawing, is.  The rest is ready to go.

That's it for now, take care.


Monday, November 20, 2023

Dark & Wet...


It's the day we go shopping.  So, of course, it's the that's really dark morning & stormy.  I don't mind rain, but I'm over the booming thunder, howling wind & bright lightning waking me up all through the night.  

We're as ready for the holiday as we're going to get.  Tomorrow, We'll take down things to thaw.  We don't have a big bird, so that will do.  This will be a simple holiday meal.  There's no need for a big fuss.  Neither of us is interested in all that.

That's it for now.  Maybe this rain will stop soon. Take care.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Dim Morning..


The sun's out but the clouds are dimming the light.  It's supposed to rain later on & all tomorrow.  The holidays looks to be during a dark week, great.  Sorry we didn't order the dismal week, can we send it back?

There isn't much going here this morning & the articles were scant.  This is all for now.  Take care & may the holiday find in good tidings.


Saturday, November 18, 2023



Everything has been gathered for the holiday meal.  I'll take things down to thaw soon & then the prep will be easy enough.  We don't do a lot any more & some of it's already happened.  My roomie likes the green bean casserole, but it's a bit much for us with everything else.  So we make it earlier in the month.  The dish is still had without overwhelming us.  Since it's just us, there's been a lot adjusting the holidays to suit us.  If we miss something, we can have it at another time.

That's it for me this morning.  Take care & I hope the holiday brings some joy to you.


Friday, November 17, 2023

6 Days Until...


After today, there only 6 days left until Thanksgiving.  Whether you celebrate it or not, it's almost here.  I have most the stuff we need gathered.  I'll get the rest today.  Here we go again, another holiday season.  I'll try to get with it, no promises.

There's been a lot of things to not be grateful for this year.  The scales are leaning into the red.  I'll try to find the joy & a little fun.  The bills are paid, we have some Christmas plans, nothing's broken at the moment & some of the Winter birds are back.

That's it for now, I need to get around. Take care.
