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Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas...


Christmas is here.  I think the reason A Charlie Brown Christmas is meaningful is that many people find it so relatable.  The characters range from oblivious to removed & rejected.  Only Linus is aware of the holiday's meaning.  Sally wants things.  Most the other children are in their own little world.  Charlie Brown questions it all, especially why he feels left out.  While the jaded Lucy tries to manipulate the situation to her best advantage, knowing she'll be disappointed.  

The story is actually about a boy's attempt to find the meaning & acceptance of the holiday.  Charlie Brown saves a poor, little tree from abandonment.  Doing so  gives the other children find a chance to salvage the holiday spirit in themselves.  Things need love, understanding & acceptance. 

For many of us, the holiday spirit is fleeting & soon gone.   I'm ready for this to go back in the box.  I love the lights, but they're reminders of what was, wasn't & will never be.  None of which I can alter.  They bring not quite discomfort, but too much awareness of things not in my life.

They say accepting life is how to live it well.  Once I accepted life, I realized I was never going to have the few things I ever wanted.  Then there wasn't a reason to live well or otherwise.  A lot of us are just watching things go while we wait for our stop.  If the point was to have a good journey, then I failed.  That's nothing new for me.  

For some people the holidays are important.  For some of us they're just reminders we aren't important.  It'd be easier for me if these days were just denotations on the calendar, bearing no more weight than the 3 o'clock does on a clockface.  Oh yes it's Winter Solstice, the days will start getting longer.  It's Spring Equinox, growing will begin in earnest and so on.  As for remembrance days & thanks days, do we really remember anything or be thankful?  Or are they just days off for some people?

A lot of places are closed today.  Some are happy for that.  For others, it's less places to go other than stay home alone.  Holidays are supposed to be pleasantries wrapped in pretty bows.  For some of us they're just reminders of our place in things.

Merry Christmas to all, but remember for some people these are hard times.  Take care.


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