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Friday, December 29, 2023

It Is A Big Thing...


This is going to be a short post.  This blog is about my life & living with HIV in rural Oklahoma.  I don't always post directly about HIV, it is about my life.  It is about what I experience as an HIV+ person.

For a while I've seen people posting they aren't worried about HIV.  There are meds, so it's not a big deal.  It may longer be a death sentence for most people.  It's still a big deal.  There are HIV+ people & those who aren't.  This is forever.  There are no time outs, vacations or opting outs. 

I'm not telling to be fearful.  I'm telling you to be cautious on these matters.  Better to pause & miss a fling.  Than to rush into it carry baggage for the rest of your life.  HIV is scary, expensive, exhausting, isolating...  The worse part of it is it will never go away.  

HIV is the reason for this blog.  HIV is a big deal.  Be careful with your life.  Take care.


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