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Sunday, December 3, 2023

December Strikes...


December waited until day 2 before crapping out.  We have a plumbing issue & it could be fairly serious.  We can't find out more until the actual week.  I hate services that screw over people for having issues outside "normal" business hours.  I'm so sorry my problem didn't occur between  9 - 5.  I realize most service providers like plumbers & electricians are necessary.  I also think some of them will screw you every chance they get.

Yesterday was a bundle of nerves & anxiety.  It took forever too figure out anything.  Now, we're back to  the wait & see game with plumbers.  

Each of these incidents takes a little more of me.  I used to bounce back from them.  Now it takes longer & longer.  It doesn't help when they keep coming so fast I can't recover.  I don't have many more these stressor events left in me.  I just can't anymore.  

That's life here.  Take care.


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