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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

5, 4, 3...


This is the last trash day of 2023.  Counting today, there are only 5 days left in the year.  This has been a nerve wracking year full of breakage, endings, forced new beginnings & massively stressful events.  We were preemptive where we could be, but a lot of it came without warning.  I lost relationships I'd had for decades & they were over with no input from me.  2023 was a year of loss & very little gain.

The year started with us missing our girl Tinkerbell who I posted on earlier in the month.   Today is the anniversary of the post I wrote about Alice passing.  we did gain a little kitten named Machen.  At 1st we tried to rehome him.  Only to find we no longer had much connection to anything or anyone.

This hasn't been an easy year for us.  My roomie has been pretty actively working on things.  Me, not so much.   I can't even say I'm doing as well as I was at the start of the year.  I may be able to help cats & sometimes other people, but I never really manage to improve myself or my life.  Things keep slipping & I just try to fill in the gaps. 

I guess I didn't let how hard 2023 was on me really hit until recently with the issues in October, then a kitten, then the plumbing.  That doesn't even count the earlier parts of the year.  I can't spin that fast anymore & I'm worried 2024 will be worse.  Life needs a pause button.  Hell it needs a hard reset option.

That's all for now.  Hope your 2023 affairs are in order.  Take care.


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