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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Last Of 3...


We only have 3 more each of Wednesdays - Sundays.  The rest of the weekdays are down to 2.  That leaves only 3 more times taking the trash to the curb in 2023.  Ever year this seems to mean less than the year before.   There used to be so much to get excited about.  Now, I can't even choose something I'd want to get or do for Christmas.  

I hate being like that.  I'm bringing down my own party, such as it is.   But the movie selection is barely mentionable.  The restaurants are questionable.  Most of what I used to like to go do is no longer available.  So the holidays have just become another day.  Just with more crap to handle & no mail.

I'm not upset, just annoyed.  I'm not grinching, I'm just removed.  No longer are there wish catalogs, beautiful lights in my area or a lot of get togethers.  It's just my roomie, our cats & some holiday specials.  

The dissonance of it all is upsetting & off putting.  If everyone has holiday ennui, maybe no one really does.  Maybe the party's over & someone forgot to tell revellers & merrymakers.   There's nothing to revel in, nothing to make merry & little to celebrate, so please kindly, in a orderly manner, go home. 

Maybe it's closing time for a lot things.  That's it for now.  Take care.


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