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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Winter Solstice, Yule & Cats Past...


It's actually Winter, not just the meteorological season that starts with December.  Yule is upon us & may it be good for you & yours.  It's a time to acknowledge the longest night & welcome the return of the lengthening days.   

While Yule may be about lights & festivities, it's also about cleaning house & finishing things needing to be handled before the new year.  It's a time to remember the past & look forward to the coming days.  It's a time to cherish those with us & call up the memories of those no longer here.

This time, last year our 19 y.o. cat Tinkerbell passed.  She passed nearly a decade after the only cat she ever loved, Alice.  Below our their pictures.  Tink is the siamese.

There are the girls that found their way to the other side just as Yule was starting.  I guess a lady does always know when it's time leave.  Sometimes the season brings good tidings,  sometimes it takes them.  I wish them both the very best in their next lives.

Take care, Happy Yule.


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